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What Our Name Means


"Kasipiti" is the Shona word for spring. A spring in a dry and hostile environment draws people from far and wide to replenish their water supplies. The organization chose the symbolic name ‘Pakasipiti’ (at the spring) as it sees itself as a place where LBTQ and GNC persons will meet to replenish from the spring, re-energise and talk about their journeys through life


Where We Came From


‘Patriarchy might be everywhere, but it is not everywhere the same’ As Lesbian,

Bisexual , Transgender and Queer   (LBTQ) persons living in Zimbabwe’s patriarchal

societies and communities that control our voice, expression and sexuality, we need

space in which to speak about our lives and experiences, and to develop our own

agency for reclaiming our autonomy and independence, and to develop our capacity for

self-determination. This has led us to an attempt to peel back the layers and analyze

the impact of patriarchy on our lives and communities and to identify and implement

solutions to reach our goals .It was from this viewpoint that the four feminist activists

identifying as Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Queer founded Pakasipiti on 1stApril 2011 as

an organization championing the cause of LBTQ  persons in Zimbabwe.



A society that recognizes, respects and enables LBTQ persons to enjoy their full sexual

and reproductive rights in tandem with social, economic and political rights.



To create a space to develop the capacities of LBTQ persons



The core values of the organisation are:

  • Solidarity
  • Accountability
  • Respect diversity
  • Openness
  • Collectiveness